The byDESIGN Field Workout… We Love This one!
This workout was created to show you the endless possibilities of Burst Training

WARNING: This is not like running on a treadmill! You will work far more muscles in a far greater capacity. That’s why we LOVE the field workout!
The Workout: byDESIGN Field Workout – full body
The Details: 8-12 Rounds of Running (or moving as fast as you can)
- 20 second burst at 90-100% maximum effort (or 100 yard dash)
- 30-90 seconds rest
The Time Commitment: 20 -25 minutes plus warm up and cool down stretching (make sure you warm up well!)
The Result: increased HGH levels, improved physiology, enhanced metabolism all day long, maximized health
Start slowly and at a moderate pace. This workout will work you more than you know!
You can do a field workout anywhere: football field, soccer field, open field, a long path or road, etc.
byDESIGN Insight
Your body was designed to run. Your physiology was designed to perform bursts of activity. When you do it, you will THRIVE just as you are designed to!
Food for thought…
Look at the physique of a sprinter versus a marathon runner. Which physique would you prefer? Which physique do you think is more functional in everyday life?
Start doing some field workouts like that of a sprinter and you will be suprised with the results.
Additional Resources:
Doctors Top 3 Nutritional Requirements For A Better Body
Go To The byDESIGN Fitness Library
Purchase the maxT3 DVD program online