Tag Archive for: disease

Discover What 99% Of People Don’t Know, And Why Most Doctors Are Mistreating Their Patients…

This Eye Opening Explanation Will Change The Way You Think Forever!

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Digestion problems are a big deal. Digestion affects everything from energy production to immune system activity – even brain function! Will you help us raise awareness? Share this post with your social circle. You could improve a life just by doing so! -Dr. Burns

Our Blueprint For Solving Digestion Problems:

  1. Nervous System and Circulation Assessment
  2. Inflammatory Bowel Assessment
  3. Probiotic Therapy Assessment
  4. Dietary Modification Assessment

NOTE: The above are listed in order of importance. Focusing on #3 or #4 without proper assessment/management of #1 and #2 would be an ineffective approach. All 4 areas must be assessed and addressed properly for ideal results. This should not be approached with a DIY mentality. Specific instructions will be required.

ADVICE: Find a wellness-based Doctor of Chiropractic who can properly assess all 4 components, and treat/advise accordingly. Ask them for help in all 4 categories listed above.

REMEMBER: Our body can heal and self-regulate, given the right conditions. The top 4 conditions listed above are critical to proper function of the digestive system.