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The 10 Most Valuable Lessons You’ll Never Learn

From Your ‘Average Doctor’ Down The Street… 

Discover What You Really Need To Know,

To Take Control Of Your Health.

Please watch and read ASAP

Lesson #1: The true definition of health & Why we have to put ourselves first

The lessons contained in this series are invaluable and desperately needed. This is an opportunity to learn what our doctors, parents and teachers weren’t able to teach us. Remember, if we don’t take control of our health – something, or somebody else will!

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THE TALE OF TWO SISTERS (a story we all can learn from)

Click here for the backstory on Jen and Mary

Remember, Jen thinks and behaves like most people. She puts everything else in her life above her own needs. As a result, Jen has completely neglected her health over the last several years. She feels old, out of shape, stiff and sore most of the time, unmotivated, and always tired. Her medical doctor is pushing to add another prescription to help with the fatigue and depression. She tells her doctor she just wants to get though the day and feel normal again. She is struggling, and as a result, so is her family and relationships.

Her sister Mary on the other hand, learned a very important lesson long ago. Her ‘mentor’, as she often refers to, taught her: “To be your best at caring for and loving others, you must take care of yourself first.” Since then, she has always carved out time to exercise, sometimes only 5-10 minutes before life calls her back. She has developed daily rituals for prayer and gratitude. Her lifestyle isn’t perfect, but she is always trying to improve how her body functions day to day. Mary is thriving, and as a result, so is her family and relationships.


Food For Thought…

The greatest gift we can ever give to those we love is… making our health a priority, never letting it ‘take a backseat’ to anything.


Health often takes a backseat to many things: kids, family, career, hobbies, deadlines, holidays, etc.

On the surface, this seems benign and harmless. But, could this be an enormous mistake with serious repercussions?

Take family for example…

Our health affects how we interact with those we love. It affects how we give love to others. It affects how long we will be around to love those we care about.

Mary was taught a very important lesson… the healthier a spouse or parent is, the better they can perform in that role.


Mentor: “Mary, why do they tell us to put the airplane oxygen mask on first before helping a child or loved one?

Mary: “Because if we are not alive and capable, we can’t help anyone else?”

Mentor: “Correct! Now, can you see the risk we take when we neglect ourselves in the process of caring for others? It is a far bigger risk than most people give credit to.”

Mary: “I do now! I need to work on that.”


People make sacrifices for others, and that’s a beautiful thing. But, to de-prioritize our own health may be the worst thing we could do for, or to, those we love.

Think about the agony a family member goes through watching their loved one suffer with illness.

Think about the monetary cost of managing a family member’s illness – it’s the #1 cause of bankruptcy in the U.S. for goodness sake!

This needs to stop, don’t you think?

The trick, the secret, is to finally understand this…

Our loved ones literally need us to make our health the highest priority.

By doing so, we massively improve our ability to care for them. By doing so, we can be a better example for them.

Look at Mary, she is thriving and happy. Subsequently, so is her family.


  • To continuously upgrade our understanding of health
  • To continuously improve our lifestyle and daily habits
  • To put our health first now so we don’t ‘put them through hell’ later
  • To make our own health a priority so we can love our family in bigger ways for longer

The Conclusion…

Learn and apply the ‘true definition of health’. Make improving health and function (the F-word) a daily priority. The stronger, healthier, wiser and more capable we are… the more we can give, love and live.

Action Steps…

Move Better

Make time for exercise and stretching (even if it’s only 10-15 minutes per day), get outside for a walk or hike, sweat a little because it’s good for you, get out of breathe and challenge yourself, go to your Chiropractor regularly, etc.

Eat Better

Eat at least one salad per day, drink more water, try to reduce your sugar intake a little bit every month, learn how to supplement your diet properly, create a diet and health challenge with a friend of spouse, set small goals and reward yourself, etc.

Think Better

Say a prayer every morning in the shower, listen to something positive while getting ready or on your commute instead of the radio, before arriving at work list out loud 10-20 things you are grateful for, read something inspiring, etc.

Click here for Part 2



