Here is a terrible truth we simply cannot afford to ignore…

Work-related stress (our daily positions & movements) determines how we age and ultimately influences our health in a very BIG way.

So, the question here is… how can me minimize it’s impact on our day to day life, as well as it’s impact on our future well-being?

If we are smart and proactive, we will do quite well. But, if we are not… it may turn out to be our greatest regret. So, let’s do what we can to take better care of ourselves and each other.

The more we know the better, right?

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Some Say Work-Related Stress Is Worse Than Smoking, What Else Do We Need To Know?

“How we address work-related stress will either be our greatest victory or our greatest defeat. Let us help you be a winner in the battle for health and longevity.”

Does This REALLY Apply To Me?

Work related stress applies to all of us regardless of our job description. It applies to the stay at home parent, the cashier and bank teller, the manual laborer, and certainly anyone that works at a computer. The 2 main sources are:

  • prolonged sitting or standing
  • repetitive motions like twisting, reaching, lifting, bending, etc

Is It REALLY That Big Of A Deal?

Biomechanical stress (or physical stress) accumulates over time like bacteria in a tooth. In this case the physical stress settles into our muscles, joints, discs, ligaments, tendons and even our nerves.

If left unchecked and not cared for properly, we all know what happens with time. That’s right, things get progressively worse.

Signs & Symptoms of Work-Related Stress

  • Neck or back pain/stiffness
  • Headaches or migraines
  • Shoulder, hip, or hand pain
  • Chronic stiffness or discomfort
  • Sciatica and carpal tunnel
  • Numbness or tingling sensations
  • Fatigue and/or anxiety

What Can I Do About It?

At the very least, find a good wellness-based Doctor of Chiropractic that lives near you. They can do things for you and teach you things that nobody else can.

Need help finding a good Chiropractor in another state or country? Ask us for help.

If You Live In Colorado, We Can Help You…

We are 100% committed to taking care of our local community.

Our special Work-Related Stress Gift Certificate is by far the best opportunity we can offer the people in our community. It may be the best opportunity anyone will ever receive, which is why we ask you to share it freely with people you know or work with.

With it, comes the opportunity to properly address work-related stress before it gets too far out of control.

Simply click the Gift Certificate image below to claim  this opportunity while it is still available. You will be so glad you did!

Please share this page with others, so they can be helped as well.

FREE Massage Included!

More Details…

  • Click the image above to enlarge it
  • Simply call to claim/activate this offer, then schedule at your convenience
  • Please mention this offer when calling
  • Yes, you can ask us any questions you like via contact us page

Again, please share this page with others, so they can be helped as well.

Who do you know that you can forward this to?

  • coworker
  • spouse
  • friend
  • neighbor
  • employee or employer
  • church members





Chiropractor Centennial

All jobs and all forms of work produce neck tension. If left unchecked, things can get really bad with time.

You know the elderly individual in your family or neighborhood that cannot turn their head without turning their whole body? That could have been prevented if they did what we are about to show you.

Please enjoy these 2 videos and share this page with others.

Do This Neck Stretch On A Regular Basis. It Will Help!

Do this regluarly (or daily).

You will be surprised by how good it feels!

No, this does not replace the need for a chiropractic adjustment. Yes, this should be done in between your visits to the chiropractor.

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Gift Certificate – Click Here

Special Offer For Chiropractic Visit & FREE 60-minute Massage


“Taking care of our neck is one of the most important things we can do. It’s even more important than brushing our teeth!”

Suggestions and Ideas:

  • Do Spinal Flow 4-7 days per week
  • Do not force any position or stretch
  • Time your breathing (exhale as you stretch)
  • Never stretch dehydrated
  • Consistency is key

Who Can We Share This With Right Now?

  • Family members
  • Friends
  • Neighbors
  • Coworkers
  • Church members

Sharing is caring. Together we can improve our families & communites

If Work-Related Stress Is Worse Than Smoking, What Else Do We Need To Know?

“The muscle and joint problems that come from work-related stress in the neck is just the beginning. It’s the spinal nerve problems we need to worry about.”

Many of us are more stiff and sore than we would prefer to be. Many of us are allowing tension accumulation to fast track how our body is aging.

All of us would like to avoid a future of pain, immobility or even disability… right?

All of us want to stay loose, pain-free, and active for the rest of lives… right?

Good news! It is possible if we are smart and proactive when it comes to caring for our body.

With the right guidance and advice, it can be quick and easy.

We can do it!

Recommended Link & Videos

Special Offer For Chiropractic & FREE Massage

Top 7 Tips For Finding The BEST Chiropractor Near You

Low Back Stretch For Work-Related Stress






Chiropractor Centennial

It appears as if all types of work take a toll on our lower spine and body. From being a stay at home parent to being a 9-5 desk jockey (sitting or standing), we all can benefit from being proactive.

If we want to move well, feel well, and age well… what follows is super valuable advice!

Please enjoy these 2 videos and share this page with others.

Try Doing This Low Back Stretch On A Regular Basis. It Will Help!

Do this regularly (or daily).

You might be surprised by how good it feels!

No, this does not replace a chiropractic adjustment. Yes, this should be done in between your visits to the chiropractor.

“If we don’t take time to take care of our body now, we will surely regret it later in life.”

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Gift Certificate – Click Here

Special Offer For Chiropractic Visit & FREE 60-minute Massage


Suggestions and Ideas:

  • Do Spinal Flow 4-7 days per week
  • Do not force any position or stretch
  • Time your breathing (exhale as you stretch)
  • Never stretch dehydrated
  • Consistency is key

Who Can We Share This With Right Now?

  • Family members
  • Friends
  • Neighbors
  • Coworkers
  • Church members

Sharing is caring. Together we can improve our family & community

They Say Work-Related Stress Is Worse Than Smoking, What Else Do We Need To Know?

“Our habits define our health and our future. Let’s take control of both by taking control of our habits.”

Many of us are more stiff and sore than we would prefer to be. Many of us are allowing tension accumulation to fast track how our body is aging.

All of us would like to avoid a future of pain, immobility or even disability… right?

All of us want to stay loose, pain-free, and active as we age… right?

Good news! It is possible if we are smart and proactive when it comes to caring for our spine and our body.

With the right guidance and advice, it can be quick and easy.

We can do it!

Recommended Links & Videos

Special Offer For Chiropractic & FREE Massage

Top 7 Tips For Finding The BEST Chiropractor Near You

Neck Stretch For Work-Related Stress





Chiropractor Centennial

Why Should Children Receive Chiropractic?

There are many reasons why children receive chiropractic care. Many spinal problems seen in adults begin as early as birth. Since significant spinal trauma can occur at birth many parents have their newborns checked. Even so called ‘natural’ birthing methods can stress a developing spine. The resulting irritation to the nerve system caused by spinal misalignments can be the cause of many newborn health complaints. Colic, breathing problems, nursing difficulties, sleep disturbances, allergic reactions can often be traced to nerve system dysfunction.

In the infant, learning to hold up the head, sit, crawl and walk are all activities that affect spinal alignment and are important times to have a child checked by a Doctor of Chiropractic.

As the child grows and begins to participate in regular childhood activities like skating or riding a bike, small yet significant spinal misalignments (subluxations) may occur. If neglected, the injuries during this period of rapid growth may lead to more serious problems later in life. Subtle traumas will affect the future development of the spine leading to impaired nervous system function. Any interference to the vital nerve system will adversely affect the body’s ability to function at its best.

Why Are Parents Taking Their Children To The Chiropractor?

One of the most common reasons a parent seeks care for their child is trauma; a fall or an injury of some sort. These misalignments may or may not result in immediate pain or symptoms. Regular chiropractic checkups can identify potential spinal injury from these traumas, make the correction early in life and help avoid many of the health complaints seen later in adults. Proper spinal hygiene is an important key to better health.

Another sought out reason for care is the resolution of a particular symptom or condition. Parents seek care for conditions such as colic, ear infections, asthma, allergies and headaches because they have heard from other parents that chiropractic care helps.

It is important to understand that the doctor of chiropractic does not diagnose or treat conditions or diseases. The expertise of the chiropractor is in checking the child’s spine for misalignments that impair overall body function. The bones of the spine, the vertebrae house and protect the spinal cord. The spinal cord is an extension of the brain and carries information from the brain to the body parts and back to the brain again.

Subluxations interfere with the nerves’ ability to transmit vital information throughout the body.

The nerve system controls and coordinates the function of all the systems in the body: circulatory, respiratory, digestive, hormonal, eliminative and immune system. Any aspect of health may be impaired by nerve interference. The chiropractic adjustment restores nerve system function allowing the body’s ability to express a greater state of health and well-being.

Is Chiropractic For Kids Safe, Gentle and Necessary?

The doctor of chiropractic will evaluate a child in a different manner than a medical doctor. They will perform a detailed evaluation to determine if spinal subluxations exist. Chiropractic adjusting procedures are modified to fit a child’s size, weight, and unique spinal condition. They are both gentle and specific to the child’s developing spinal structures. Most parents report that their children enjoy their chiropractic adjustments and look forward to subsequent visits.

Lastly, the ideal reason for a parent to take their child to a chiropractor is to enhance their ability to function in a greater state of health, to grow and develop optimally. This type of parent would consider it not only beneficial for their child, but essential to helping them be at their best. If you have family members that do not live locally, we can help you find a doctor of chiropractic near them who is dedicated to serving children with the utmost of care, like we do. Your family deserves to experience the many benefits of chiropractic care. Please, let us help you do just that.

And, please help us tell others!

chiropractor in centennial helps children

It’s not just okay, it is perhaps the best thing a parent could do for their child’s health and well-being.

Truth is, we are very rough on our body when we are young and reckless.

Ever slide down the stairs on your butt, jump off of something you shouldn’t have, or play sports as a child? Much of what children do in their youth would put a middle aged body on bedrest for a week.

The truth is, these developing bodies need more attention than we were led to believe.

A seemingly insignificant fall or jarring event can literally alter the course of their future by altering the health of their spine and posture. Shockingly, it’s not just the bones in their back that we need to be worried about. It’s what inside that matters most.

No, this is not your momma’s speech about self-confidence. We are talking about the spinal cord and the spinal nerves (our body’s central nervous system). This complex electrical system is basically our body’s operating system. If that gets even mildly irritated or stressed, we’ve got problems!

Just think about this for a second… how important is it that the operating system on your computer or mobile device, or the one in your vehicle or home actually works properly on a regular basis? Sadly, we were never taught to think about the one inside our own body, were we? This is why we cannot allow stress in our spine to promote interference or disturbance to our nervous system (our body’s operating system).

Chiropractors refer to this common problem as a subluxation… a condition whereby the spine is not aligned properly or moving properly which promotes dysfunction of the muscles and joints, the nerves and organs, and even the brain.

Can you see how all those slips and falls, the rough housing, the backpacks, and the long hours sitting in school can take a toll? In fact, OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) states that the average child will fall over 2,000+ times before they hit puberty, and many of those falls will be traumatic enough to cause bigger problems later in life if not adequately addressed.

Besides helping a child grow and develop properly (i.e. avoid scoliosis and bad posture), chiropractic care has been shown to help with a host of other common issues like bedwetting, a weak immune system, allergies and asthma, ADD / ADHD / SPD, etc. How is this possible? Again, it comes down to how the relationship between the spine and the nerve system can influence bodily function from the inside-out.

If you think about it, a well-cared for spine and nerve system is essential to a healthy childhood. Chiropractic care is known to reduce nerve stress and improve nerve function. Again, what is coordinating the growth and development of that little body? That’s right, it is our central nervous system, which just so happens to run through our spinal column.

So, with all this being said, could the benefits of chiropractic care not only help a child achieve optimal growth and development, but also determine their potential for health and happiness later in life? Many health experts nowadays are saying YES!

This is why every family should see a wellness-based Doctor of Chiropractic. It’s not just for aches and pains. It’s because they can do things for us, and teach us things, that nobody else can.

“One day every parent will come to see that taking their children to the Chiropractor is as necessary and beneficial as taking them to the Dentist.”

How To Find The Best Chiropractor Near You For Pediatric Care & Advice?

Tip #1: Call ahead and ask if they specialize in seeing kids and infants. Some do. Some do not. It’s always best to simply ask.

Tip #2: Look for the most popular Chiropractor near you. Look at how many Google reviews they have from happy clients and customers. For example, you could perform a Google search like Chiropractor in Centennial Colorado to check their online review status. Check neighboring towns as well. The best ones are worth driving to!

Have Questions, Need Help?






post authored by

Chiropractor Centennial

Are you aware of the 3 types of care we all should have learned about ages ago, but didn’t?

This short video explains everything

YouTube video

  • What if we have only been told 33% of the story?
  • What if we are only addressing 33% of the problem?
  • What if we could improve how live by an additional 66%?

What we know and what we do when it comes to “The 3 Types Of Health Care” could make a difference in how we look, feel and function in the future.

Please share the knowledge.

Please get the people you care about involved with a good wellness based Doctor of Chiropractic. They can do things for us and teach us things that nobody else can.

To maximizing your health,

The Doctors & Staff

Maximized Health Chiropractic



The #1 Reviewed & Recommended Chiropractic Clinic in Colorado

Where Does Your Body Need Chiropractic The Most?

…knowing this is half the battle.

YouTube video

“Whether we want to admit it or not, we ALL have a spine that needs chiropractic care… the question is… do we know the where, why, and when behind it all?”

This video will explain something we all need to know.

Remember… the more we know about how to take care of our body and our health, the better off we will be.

We know this video will benefit you.

To maximizing your health,

The Doctors & Staff

P.S. The healthiest, happiest and smartest people we know are the ones who watch these videos.

P.P.S. Please share this email & video with your friends and family.

Maximized Health Chiropractic

The #1 Reviewed & Recommended Chiropractic Clinic in Colorado

Please SHARE this with family and friends!

NOTE: We need to stop thinking of chiropractic as “back cracking” for back pain. Our spine is literally the pipeline for the brain/body communication system. Chiropractic can be seen as a method for optimizing that system, and should be used accordingly from the beginning to the end of our life.

ADVICE: Find a wellness-based Doctor of Chiropractic for you and your family.

REMEMBER: Our body can heal and self-regulate, given the right conditions. A healthy, well cared for spine is one of those conditions!

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